Para quem é fã da banda Coldplay, seu último álbum trouxe o clip inspirado no universo das histórias em quadrinhos. Na verdade, Hurts Like Heaven, foi baseado numa HQ intitulada Mylo Xyloto que possui roteiro de Mark Osborne (codiretor de Kung-Fu Panda) e Dylan Haggerty, com arte de Alejandro Fuentes. A revista teve pré-lançamento em julho na Comicon de San Diego e é dividida em seis edições, chega oficialmente às comic-shops em fevereiro de 2013 pela Bongo Comics.
Written in graffiti on a bridge in a park
‘Do you ever get the feeling that you’re missing the mark?’
It’s so cold it’s so cold
It’s so cold it’s so cold
Written up in marker on a factory sign
‘I struggle with the feeling that my life isn’t mine’
It’s so cold it’s so cold
It’s so cold it’s so cold
See the arrow that they shot
Trying to tear us apart
Took the fire from my belly and the beat from my heart
Still I won’t let go
Still I won’t let go
Of you- ooh ooh
‘Cause you do
Oh you use your heart as a weapon
And it hurts like heaven
On every street every car every surface are names
Tonight the streets are ours and we’re writing and saying
Don’t let em take control
No we won’t let em take control
Yes I feel a little bit nervous
Yes I feel nervous and I cannot relax
How come they’re out to get us?
How come they’re out when they don’t know the facts?
So on a concrete canvas under cover of dark
On a concrete canvas I’ll go making my mark
Armed with a spray can soul
I’ll be armed with a spray can soul
And you ooh ooh
You ooh ooh
You use your heart as a weapon
And it hurts like heaven
Woah oh oh oh, woah oh oh oh
Yeah it’s true
When you
Use your heart as a weapon
Then it hurts like heaven
And it hurts like heaven
Oh oh oh-oh
And it hurts like heaven
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Dói Como o Céu
Veja a flecha que eles atiraram
De você- ooh ooh
Em todas as ruas todos os carros e todas as superfícies são nomes
Sim, eu me sinto um pouco nervoso
Então, na tela de concreto sob a cobertura da escuridão
E você ooh ooh
Woah oh oh oh, woah oh oh oh
E dói como o céu